York Simcoe Nature Club celebrates our 25th anniversary this year and are pleased to continue our monthly general meetings featuring guest speakers at the St. James the Apostle Anglican Church at 18794 Leslie St. in Sharon. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month from September to June at 7:30 PM. Our upcoming speaker is:
David Hawke - a well-known naturalist who combines his writing and photography to teach others about the out-of-doors. His weekly nature column has appeared in various media for the past 32 years and his book Wetlands has won the Best Book Award from the Outdoor Writers of Canada.
Over the years David has worked as a naturalist and wildlife technician at the Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre, and the Tiny Marsh Provincial Wildlife Area. He has also been employed as an eco-tourism manager for several resorts in central Ontario; most recently he was with the Couchiching Conservancy Land Trust, as their Stewardship Manager and Ecologist, involved with 51 properties (totaling 13,500 acres) spread across the Lake Simcoe watershed.
Please join us Tuesday October 8th for David’s presentation “Environmental Ethics: How Can We Both Be Right?”
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